Detailed Translations for biens-fonds from French to English
biens-fonds: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- biens: items; articles; merchandise; goods; wares; ability; capability; capacity; quality; assets; property; commodities; ownership; possession; belonging; stuff; things; possesions; bits and pieces; household effects; worldly goods; bits & pieces; consumer goods
- fondre: fuse; melt; fuze; reduce; decrease; merge; diminish; drop; shrink; dwindle; lessen; shrivel; go down; shrivel up; shrink back; shrink away; melt together; dissolve; melt down; smelt; melt away; burn out; become less stiff; thaw; defrost; stop freezing
- fonds: trust; foundation; pension fund; means; capital; finances; financial means; capital sum