Dutch to English: more detail...
- poster:
- Wiktionary:
English to Dutch: more detail...
- poster:
- post:
- poster → aanplakbiljet
- poster → aanplakbiljet, affiche, poster, plakkaat
- post → paal, stijl
- post → posten, sturen
- post → positie, aanplakken, displayen, agglutineren, doen samenkleven, samenplakken, verbinden, opplakken, overplakken, lijmen, hechten, plakken, kleven, post, posterijen, poststuk, ambt, baan, betrekking, werkkring, plaats, wachtpost, werkgelegenheid, functie, dienst, magazijn, provisiekamer, provisiekast, voorraadkamer, afficheren, deurpost, paal, stijl, eetservies, servies, afdeling, geleding, sectie
Detailed Translations for poster from Dutch to English
de poster (aanplakbiljet; affiche; plakkaat; biljet)
de poster
Translation Matrix for poster:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
advertising poster | aanplakbiljet; affiche; biljet; plakkaat; poster | affiche; reclamebiljet |
placard | aanplakbiljet; affiche; biljet; plakkaat; poster | affiche; reclamebiljet |
play bill | aanplakbiljet; affiche; biljet; plakkaat; poster | |
poster | aanplakbiljet; affiche; biljet; plakkaat; poster | affiche; reclamebiljet |
Related Words for "poster":
Wiktionary Translations for poster:
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• poster | → placard; poster; bill; sign | ↔ affiche — feuille souple ou rigide affichant un message, ou une image, imprimer ou écrire que l’on appliquer contre les murs pour donner connaissance au public de quelque chose. |
• poster | → poster; placard | ↔ placard — Feuille imprimée |
Detailed Translations for poster from English to Dutch
the poster (advertising poster; placard; play bill)
– a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement 1 -
the poster (advertising poster; placard; bill)
– a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement 1 -
the poster
– A large format printed notice, often with photographs or pictures, for placing on a wall. 2
Translation Matrix for poster:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
aanplakbiljet | advertising poster; placard; play bill; poster | |
affiche | advertising poster; bill; placard; play bill; poster | |
biljet | advertising poster; placard; play bill; poster | |
plakkaat | advertising poster; placard; play bill; poster | |
poster | advertising poster; placard; play bill; poster | |
reclamebiljet | advertising poster; bill; placard; poster | |
- | bill; bill poster; bill sticker; card; notice; placard; post horse; post-horse; posting |
Related Words for "poster":
Synonyms for "poster":
Related Definitions for "poster":
Wiktionary Translations for poster:
Cross Translation:
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• poster | → aanplakbiljet; affiche; poster; plakkaat | ↔ affiche — feuille souple ou rigide affichant un message, ou une image, imprimer ou écrire que l’on appliquer contre les murs pour donner connaissance au public de quelque chose. |
• poster | → aanplakbiljet; affiche; poster; plakkaat | ↔ placard — Feuille imprimée |
poster form of post:
the post (mail; posting)
– any particular collection of letters or packages that is delivered 1 -
the post (pole; stake)
– a pole or stake set up to mark something (as the start or end of a race track) 1 -
the post (function; position; job)
– a job in an organization 1 -
the post (column)
– an upright consisting of a piece of timber or metal fixed firmly in an upright position 1 -
the post (job; position; function; installment; instalment)
– a job in an organization 1 -
the post (pillar; column)
– an upright consisting of a piece of timber or metal fixed firmly in an upright position 1 -
the post (sentry)
– the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand 1 -
the post (standing-place; station)
– the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand 1 -
the post (article)
– A message that appears in a newsgroup, public folder, or other forum accessible by a number of individuals. 2
to post (mail)
– cause to be directed or transmitted to another place 1 -
to post (situate; place; locate; set; station; put)
– assign to a station 1 -
to post
– To submit an article in a newsgroup or other online conference or forum. The term is derived from the "posting" of a notice on a physical bulletin board. 2 -
to post
– To enter a debit or a credit into an account. 2 -
to post
– To record the monetary value of an economic event in a specific account, or to summarize and reclassify general and subsidiary journal account entries into general and subsidiary ledger account entries. 2
Conjugations for post:
- post
- post
- posts
- post
- post
- post
simple past
- posted
- posted
- posted
- posted
- posted
- posted
present perfect
- have posted
- have posted
- has posted
- have posted
- have posted
- have posted
past continuous
- was posting
- were posting
- was posting
- were posting
- were posting
- were posting
- shall post
- will post
- will post
- shall post
- will post
- will post
continuous present
- am posting
- are posting
- is posting
- are posting
- are posting
- are posting
- be posted
- be posted
- be posted
- be posted
- be posted
- be posted
- post!
- let's post!
- posted
- posting
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they
Translation Matrix for post:
Related Words for "post":
Synonyms for "post":
Related Definitions for "post":
Wiktionary Translations for post:
Cross Translation:
een langwerpig stuk materiaal dat in de grond staat
een doelpaal
Cross Translation: