

Detailed Translations for hechte from Dutch to English

hechte form of hecht:

hecht adj

  1. hecht

Translation Matrix for hecht:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
firm bedrijf; coöperatie; firma; handelsbedrijf; handelsfirma; handelshuis; maatschap; maatschappij; onderneming; vennootschap; zaak
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
staunch stelpen; stillen
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
staunch hecht ferm; fiks; flink; stevig
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
firm hecht beslist; degelijk; doortastend; ferm; fiks; flink; kordaat; krachtdadig; krachtig; solide; standvastig; stevig; vastbesloten

Related Words for "hecht":

  • hechtheid, hechter, hechtere, hechtst, hechtste, hechte

Wiktionary Translations for hecht:

Cross Translation:
hecht firm; hard; solid; unflinching; stiff ferme — Qui a de la consistance, de la dureté.
hecht robust; sturdy; burly; resistant; rugged; solid; strong; tough; firm; able-bodied robuste — Qui est fort, vigoureux, résistant.
hecht solid; firm; substantial; stout; sterling solide — physique|fr Qui a de la consistance.

External Machine Translations: