
Detailed Translations for vän from Swedish to English


Synonyms for "van":

Wiktionary Translations for van:

  1. accustomed to
  2. accustomed, apt

Cross Translation:
van consuetudinarily; as a matter of routine; customary; customarily; consuetudinary; routinely; routine; habitually; habitual gewohnheitsmäßig — einer Gewohnheit folgend



  1. VAN (nyckelfärdig kommunikationslinje; value-added network)
    the VAN; the turnkey communications line; the value-added network
    – A private network provider that is hired by a company to facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI) or provide other network services. 1

Translation Matrix for VAN:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
VAN VAN; nyckelfärdig kommunikationslinje; value-added network
turnkey communications line VAN; nyckelfärdig kommunikationslinje; value-added network
value-added network VAN; nyckelfärdig kommunikationslinje; value-added network


vän noun

  1. vän (kompis; polare; kamrat)
    the friend; the companion; the business associate; the chum; the comrade; the partner; the pal; the buddy; the mate; the fellow
  2. vän (förtrogen)
    the intimate; the friend; the chum; the pal
  3. vän (polare; kompis; kamrat)
    the buddy; the friend; the pal
  4. vän
    the friend
    – A person with whom a Windows Live user has established a mutual social connection. 1
  5. vän
    the friend
    – A person someone has established a mutual connection with. The connection could have been made on Windows Live or in any connected social networking service. 1

Translation Matrix for vän:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
buddy kamrat; kompis; polare; vän gosse; hjärtevän; kamrat; kompis; polare
business associate kamrat; kompis; polare; vän
chum förtrogen; kamrat; kompis; polare; vän kompanjon; kompis; partner
companion kamrat; kompis; polare; vän beledsagare; följeslagare; följslagerska; guide; handbok; kamrat; kompanjon; kompis; kvinnlig partner; ledsagare; make; partner; vägvisare; äkta man
comrade kamrat; kompis; polare; vän kamrad; kompis; medkämpare; supporter; vapenbroder
fellow kamrat; kompis; polare; vän följeslagare; gosse; grabb; gubbe; kamrat; karl; kille; kis; kollega; kompis; ledsagare; man; medarbetare; pojke; polare; prick; typ
friend förtrogen; kamrat; kompis; polare; vän bekanting; kompanjon; kompis; partner
intimate förtrogen; vän
mate kamrat; kompis; polare; vän följeslagare; kamrat; kompanjon; kompis; ledsagare; partner; polare
pal förtrogen; kamrat; kompis; polare; vän kompanjon; kompis; partner
partner kamrat; kompis; polare; vän fru; kompanjon; kompis; kvinnlig partner; lekkamrat; livspartner; make; make eller maka; man; medkämpare; medlem i firman; partner; supporter; äkta man
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
intimate framlägga; framställa; föreslå; föreställa; förklara; göra sin åsikt hörd
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
intimate familjärt; förtrolig; förtroligt; innerligt; intim; intimt; konfidentiell; konfidentiellt; privat
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
chum bästis
companion medbroder; stallbroder
fellow kurre; prisse; snubbe; sälle
intimate närstående; påskina
mate para; sekond
pal bästis
partner bolagsman; delägare; moatjé

Synonyms for "vän":

Wiktionary Translations for vän:

  1. person who backs something
  2. person with whom you are acquainted
  3. person who provides assistance
  4. person whose company one enjoys
  1. Mild; dull; soft; gentle; smooth in manner; suave
  1. someone who helps is a real friend

Cross Translation:
vän friend Freund — ein sehr nahestehender Mensch, für den man freundschaftliche und kameradschaftliche Gefühle entwickelt hat
vän friend Freundin — ein sehr nahestehender, weiblicher Mensch, für den man freundschaftlich und kameradschaftliche Gefühle entwickelt hat
vän friend; fellow-thinker; mate ami — À trier

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for vän


Detailed Translations for vän from English to Swedish


van [the ~] noun

  1. the van (lorry; truck)
    – a truck with an enclosed cargo space 2


  1. van (goods vehicle; truck)
    – a truck with an enclosed cargo space 2
  2. van (delivery van)
    – a truck with an enclosed cargo space 2

Translation Matrix for van:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
långtradare lorry; truck; van lorries; trucks
- avant-garde; caravan; new wave; vanguard
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
lastfordon goods vehicle; truck; van
skåpbil delivery van; van

Related Words for "van":

  • vans

Synonyms for "van":

Related Definitions for "van":

  1. a truck with an enclosed cargo space2
  2. a camper equipped with living quarters2
  3. (Great Britain) a closed railroad car that carries baggage or freight2
  4. the leading units moving at the head of an army2
  5. any creative group active in the innovation and application of new concepts and techniques in a given field (especially in the arts)2

Wiktionary Translations for van:

  1. A (covered) vehicle used for carrying goods


VAN [the ~] noun

  1. the VAN (turnkey communications line; value-added network)
    – A private network provider that is hired by a company to facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI) or provide other network services. 1

Translation Matrix for VAN:

Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
VAN VAN; turnkey communications line; value-added network
nyckelfärdig kommunikationslinje VAN; turnkey communications line; value-added network
value-added network VAN; turnkey communications line; value-added network

Related Definitions for "VAN":

  1. A private network provider that is hired by a company to facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI) or provide other network services.1

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for vän