Detailed Translations for jordfästa from Swedish to French
jordfästa: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- jord: sphère; globe
- fästa: fixer; rattacher; caler; assujettir; mettre; accrocher; lier; attacher; adhérer; nouer; aligner; piéger; connecter; implanter; amarrer; agrafer; ficeler; embrayer; tendre un piège à; attacher ensemble; mettre à l'attache; lier ensemble; implanter chirurgicalement; attirer dans un piège; attacher l'un à l'autre
- jord-: rural; agricole; agraire
Spelling Suggestions for: jordfästa
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Synonyms for "jordfästa":
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Suggestions for jordfästa in French
Spelling Suggestions for: jordfästa
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